Navigating Ante

How to interpret the leaderboard and other information.


When you first enter the Ante web app, you'll find the Ante Leaderboard. Here, you can see how much value has been locked across all Ante Tests as well as the top Ante Tests ranked by locked value and Decentralized Trust Score.

The Decentralized Trust Score is a weighted metric that represents the level of trust the Ante community has in a protocol as expressed by staking and challenging in Ante Pools. A higher Trust Score means more people in the Ante community trust the protocol.

My Positions

When you have connected your wallet to Ante, the My Positions page displays all Ante Pools where you hold a position, as well as some overall statistics such as the total value you have staked/challenged across Ante Pools.

Ante Test Detail Page

By clicking on any Test on the Leaderboard or My Positions, you can navigate to a page that provides details about the Ante Test being staked/challenged and allows you to take action on that test.

Technically, when staking or challenging an Ante Test, you are locking up crypto in an intermediate, programmatically-generated non-custodial smart contract called an Ante Pool.

(Why do we do this? So that there's less chance for loss of staked or challenged funds.)

Breaking It Down

The Ante Test detail page has two main sections: the Details panel and the Actions panel.

The Details panel displays information about the Ante Test, the contract it is testing, and the current stake/challenge balances.

The Actions Panel, on the other hand, shows any existing positions you hold and actions you can take on the Ante Test once you have connected your wallet.

To learn more about these actions, please continue on to the How to Stake and How to Challenge & Verify sections.

Last updated